The College is under CCTV Surveillance and has the LAN, Wi-Fi & Intercom facilities.

About Library

The Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya Central Library is housed in a spacious room with sitting accommodation for 50 readers at a time. The stock of both text and reference books in the library has undergone considerable expansion and an exhaustive collection of more than 19,000 books adequately meet the varied requirement of all students and teachers. There is a regular annual addition to the stock of books. Besides, students are encouraged to read newspapers, journals, magazines, e- books and e-journals (which are regularly supplied) to keep abreast of the times. Library also has bound volume journals. Care is taken to maintain an atmosphere of calm and quiet study inside the library. The books in the library are arranged in classification order. The Library provides Open Access facility to the users. The library premise is under CCTV surveillance.

Library Membership

Library offers to all the regular students, faculties and staff for library membership. Ex-Students are also allowed to use the library with the help of external membership norm.


Library Hours


Monday to Friday

10.15 A.M. – 5.15 P.M.


10.15 A.M. – 3.15 P.M.




       Reference and Reading section 10.30 A.M – 5.00 P.M

       The library remains open on working days except holidays and Sundays



       Reading Room: Student and library users are allowed to use the reading room only for study purpose.

       Teachers Reading Place: There are separate reading place available for teachers. Students are not allowed to sit in the teachers reading place.

       Borrowing and Circulation Service: Library users can Issue/Return/Renew/Reserve books for a stipulated time.

       E-Service: Assistance Regarding Searching and Retrieval of E-Books, E-Journals, Databases & Internet Browsing

       Students and Teachers of the college can access 6000+ e-journals and 30,00,000+ e-books through N-LIST, using user id and password from anywhere of the world.

       Career Development Cell: Students are encouraged to use different types of books, magazines and newspaper especially subscribed for their career development and competitive examination.

       Periodical or Journal Section: Users can read different printed journals which are regularly supplied.

       Catalogue Search: The library uses Koha software to automate the library in-house operation and services, and provides Online Public Access Catalogue to the users. User can search the library resources by Author, Title, Subject, Accession No. etc.

       Reference and Information Service, including Digital Reference Service.

       Current Awareness Service and Document Delivery Service.

Borrowing privileges to users




Duration of Borrowing

Penalty for Return After Due Date

Students (Hons.)

2 Books

15 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book

Students (General)

2 Books

15 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book

Whole Time Professor

10 Books

30 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book

SACT Professor

5 Books

30 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book

Guest Professor

1 Books

7 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book

Non-Teaching Staff

5 Books

30 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book

Non-Teaching Staff (Casual)

1 Books

7 Days

Rs. 1 per day per book




Library Rules & Regulations

1.      Library / Identity card is must for all library transactions. Library cards are non-transferable.


2.      Members are allowed to use reading room for reading purposes on submission of their reading cards.


3.      The members have open access to the library. So members have to keep their bags (excluding purse & mobile) in the baggage counter.


4.      Users should ensure that when browsing through books they replace the item from where it was taken, according to the shelf arrangement. Feel free to seek staff assistance for replacing the books.


5.      Users should avoid taking out several volumes of journals and books at any one moment.


6.      The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.


7.      The Students may borrow books for 15 days and may renew the same for additional 15 days.


8.      Loss of library cards should be reported immediately to the authority.


9.      Users should fully cooperate with the library staff. In case of any need they should meet the Librarian.


10.  Readers are liable to pay fine and / or punishment if they misuse / damage any books or journals.


11.  Ex-Students and Visitors can avail reading facility by taking special permission from the Principal of the college.


12.  Users are requested to maintain silence in the library.


13.  Usage of mobile phone other than study purpose is prohibited.


14.  The library is a no-smoking zone.


15.  Personal books are not allowed in the library.


16.  The Librarian may change any working days and hours if necessary.


17.  The persistent defaulters of library rules will have their library services suspended.


Contact Library

Soumen Mondal

Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya,
111/3, B. T. Road, Kolkata - 700108
Phone: 86971 69513 (Office)
E-Mail :