Bear in mind that the wonderful things you learn in your school are the work of many generations, produced by enthusiastic effort and infinite labour in every country of the world. All this is put into your hands as your inheritance in order that you may receive it, honour it, add to it and one day faithfully hand it on to your children. Thus, do we mortals achieve immortality in the permanent things which we create in common”
Sir Albert Einstein, A talk to a group of children (Published in Mein Weltbild, Amsterdam: Querido Verlag, 1934)
From the above, Sir Albert Einstein’s focus on creation in common is evident. In an effort of our college to be a significant part of that ‘common’, Department of Economics has been a contributor since the early seventies of the previous century. The pioneering initiative was ignited by Prof. Panchanan Panja, a legendary figure for the local community, as a Lecturer of Economics. He was then joined by Prof. Ashwini Jana. They were very successful in attracting the students to enjoy the subject of Economics and also to understand the relevant economies. After the unfortunate death of Prof. Ashwini Jana, Dr. Dilip Kumar Sau joined this department and rendered his excellent service. However, he had to leave this college as he accepted the offer to become the Principal of another college. Meanwhile after serving this institution with avant-garde scholarship, Prof. Panja retired. Dr. Sebak Kumar Jana filled the vacuum and worked with his star erudition until he joined the Department of Economics with Rural Development, Vidyasagar University as a faculty member. Dr. Prithwish Kumar Hait has been serving this college as a contributor since 2002 to its effort to enhance the knowledge base of the society. Later he was joined by energetic and skilful Mr. Kunal Kumar Misra, who is still rendering his service as faculty member of this department. In 2010, the very scholarly and excellent researcher, Dr Sajal Jana joined this college and added more value to the department. However, he left this institution as he was transferred to Dinabandhu Andrews College. But this department is fortunate enough to have Dr. Arpita Banerjee as faculty member from December 2020. With her superlative knowledge about the subject and very skillful articulation she is immensely successful in joyfully enhancing the knowledge base of our students, even in this short period.
The faculty members of this department, from the very beginning, have been rendering various services, by virtue of being members of different sub-committees to help achieving excellence. Very often, teachers of this department have taken important responsibilities to accomplish the mission of the institution.
Initially this department imparted teaching to students of higher secondary course also. But later, as a policy decision, when Government of West Bengal decided to keep higher secondary course exclusively under the purview of schools, since then department has been looking after the needs of students of undergraduate course.
One of the unique features of this department is its uninterrupted cooperation to other departments. Faculty members of this department have been serving other departments also, particularly Department of Commerce, by making available their expertise for the students of concerned departments. So, in a sense this department is pioneer in promoting multidisciplinary approach of study.